Management Resources

In addition to our in-person consulting services, we also offer the following specific generic tools and services that you may like to leverage.

The following resource is made available to the public from time to time and is always available on a contract basis if you would like to have it tailored for your business.

  • Learn how to Solve Business Problems the First Time. Ensure the problem doesn’t reoccur by Solving a Problem’s “Root Cause(s)” Not Its Symptoms. Learn an effective step-by-step method for business problem solving. Practice using it in the workshop’s case study exercises. Click on this link to read about our Business Problem Solving Workshop and how to get one customized and presented just for your team.

The following PDF-formatted resources are available at no charge for your use:

  • Are there one or more business functions that aren’t running with maximum efficiency? If so, please review Realize Performance Breakthroughs which provides suggestions about turning expenses into investments and achieving performance improvements every day.
  • Are you ready to acquire additional financing or sell your business? Click on this link to view the Business Financing or Sale Readiness Self-Assessment Questionnaire which lists 15 questions with a place to rate your readiness score and any notes related to each question.
  • Need additional financing? Determine the appropriate funding source by the maturity level of your company. Click on this link to view the Funding Source Matrix which lists the funding sources typically available to companies at each stage of their existence.
  • Compare your budgeting practices to the ones we have found to be successful. Click on this link to download and view a copy of our “Top Ten” Budgeting Practices.
  • Learn when to use a management consultant, how to select the right one and how to interact and manage the consultant to gain maximum advantage from their assistance provided to your company. Click on this link to download or view a copy of our whitepaper titled: Securing Value From Your Management Consultant.
  • Ensure you are being served by your consultant with the same professionalism we provide to our clients. Click on this link to download or view a list of ten things your should expect from your management consultant: Business Consulting Group’s Client Bill of Rights.